I’m (Kind of) Back!

Hello friends!

It has certainly been a while since I have been able to post anything on my wonderful little blog. It’s so nice to be back!

Unfortunately this little reunion may be short-lived. Since moving to Northwest Arkansas, I am more busy than ever, it seems. (I’m not entirely sure how that’s possible, but it’s true, nonetheless).

A very, very brief update on my life: For those of you who are unaware, I am currently attending college in Northwest Arkansas, and, although I will always be a Texas girl at heart, I must admit that it’s truly beautiful up here. My social life is more than I can handle, my academic life is blasting forward faster than I can keep up, my sleep cycles are confused and disoriented, and my athletic life is utterly non-existent. Sounds great, right?

It’s a little overwhelming at times, but honestly, it is great.

I am loving this season of my life. It’s utterly exhausting, but it’s worth it.

I apologize for being absent from my blog for such an extended period of time. I know that a few of you have posted comments and have tried to contact me about my blog. I assure you that I am not ignoring you! I will be sure to address your comments as soon as I get a chance.

For all my wonderful followers, you should know that although I have been absent from this blog, I have not been altogether absent from the blogosphere. Allow me to explain.

The Lord has opened so many doors for me since I have been here (per usual). At the beginning of the semester, I was offered a position in University Communications which is a department of University Advancement. Before I was even aware that the position existed, I had been recommended, and the head of the University Communications found my blog. This blog.

So, the department contacted me, invited me to interview, and hired me.

At the time, I didn’t realize what a phenomenal opportunity I had been offered, but now I understand. When I initially began the job, I was assigned a project to begin my very own student blog to be promoted and endorsed by the University. It’s taken me some time to get the blog started, but the wheels have finally begun turning. You can check out that blog here.

I am incredibly thankful. I have been given a voice. Praise the Lord, He has given me a voice!

As for other developments in my junior year of college: Basically I write. A lot.

And I am fairly certain that I am progressively becoming a worse writer.

I have no words left.

My vocabulary has gone bankrupt.

So I’m sure you can understand why I have not had the opportunity to write on my blog in a while. But I have missed it!

I would love for you to check out my other blog, but if you don’t get a chance to visit, just know that I will do my best to come back to this dear little blog as soon as I get the chance.

I love and miss you all so very much,
